

Open Source HTML 5 Creation Engine

An open source ‘Game Creation Engine’ built to empower developers and companies around the world to make HTML5 content that looks and feels as quality as native applications. PixiJS’s best-in-class performance and powerful, intuitive APIs have made it the industry standard for HTML5 game creation. PixiJS is used globally by content creators of all types including large agencies and technology leaders like Google and Adobe. Tech giants such as Facebook have PixiJS as one of their recommended technologies for their Instant Games platform due to it’s lightweight, super-performant nature. It allows the creation of beautiful digital content with the fastest, most flexible 2D WebGL renderer.


3D Extension to PixiJS

Odie3D is the only HTML 5 commercially ready 2D and 3D optimised game engine built alongside with PixiJS. The Odie3D technology helps push the boundaries of what’s possible on web and mobile platforms. Allowing us to optimize the 2D and 3D creatives to go toe-to-toe with app quality 2D/3D.


A client-side Javascript library for wrapping platform SDKs and
handling analytics

GCInstant exposes to the game developer a unified interface that abstracts various
instant gaming platform SDKs, like Facebook Instant Gaming, Viber, LINE. This allows
 developers to easily port their games to other platforms without making any significant
 changes. In addition to the porting benefits, GCInstant also enhances the developer
experience by providing workarounds for certain platform limitations and making
communication with the platforms more robust. By abstracting the social interactions
with the host platform, GCInstant also enables developers and producers to track very
valuable analytics data automatically. This empowers product managers to make good
data-driven decisions by collecting game metrics in a consistent way across all games
out of the box.


A backend-as-a-service state management system for instant games

Replicant allows game developers to focus on writing game logic and not worry about
backend, hosting, scalability or cheating. It exposes APIs that allow games to define
schemas for player and game states and how they are mutated using actions. To ensure
an optimal UX for the end user, it employs optimistic updates of local states, so games
don’t have to put annoying spinners when communicating with the backend. Replicant
also improves the developer workflows by offering offline simulation, which enables
game developers to test their multiplayer features right in the browser without running